
合作伙伴成员新闻- 5月 & 6月



的 Greater Houston Partnership celebrates our 成员s making important announcements 和 sharing 新闻 about their operations 和 impact in our community. 了解更多关于 some of those announcements over the last months below. 


  • BP 合作伙伴 Australia-based Worley to collaborate deeper with the company's assets in the U.S. 以及其他地区, 专注于工程, 采购, 建设开发和管理板块.
  • 清晰的 通过开设七个新地点扩大注册和续签选择, 包括休斯顿威廉P. 霍比国际机场和乔治布什洲际机场. 清晰的目前在全美有20个TSA PreCheck注册点.S.
  • 企业产品合作伙伴公司 expects a final investment decision for a major offshore terminal project. 企业产品合作伙伴公司 received its deepwater port license from the United States Maritime Administration in April. It was the most significant milestone so far in developing the project, according to the company.
  • Equinor 已同意收购加拿大标准锂公司(St和ard Lithium Ltd. 在阿肯色州西南部和德克萨斯州东部的两个锂项目公司工作, supporting core competencies like subsurface 和 project execution capabilities.
  • 埃克森美孚 收盘价59美元.50亿美元收购先锋自然资源公司. According to Wall Street Journal, it's Exxon's largest deal since acquiring Mobil in 1999.
  • 孩子们的食物 在斯普林布兰奇一个5万平方英尺的新工厂破土动工. 新大楼的面积将是目前总部的近三倍. 
  • 传统社区卫生 has begun construction on its two-story, 40,000平方英尺 Legacy Pasadena Southmore Clinic. 的 new clinic is one of two planned for the Houston area with a generous $50 million gift from 休斯顿卫理公会这是遗产基金会历史上最大的一笔捐赠.
  • 赫尔曼纪念 医疗集团在纽卡尼建立了一个价值1000万美元的新设施. 的 site will provide a range of primary care services, including routine 和 preventative care.
  • PV Hardware USA 在本德堡县开设了一家新的太阳能组件制造工厂.
  • 莱斯大学 与巴黎科学大学合作 & Lettres to research contemporary pressing subject matters such as energy 和 climate; quantum computing 和 artificial intelligence; global health 和 medicine; 和 urban futures.


  • 休斯顿基督教大学 批准6000万美元的科学、工程和护理综合项目预算. 雪莉和吉姆·史密斯工程公司的建筑, Science 和 Nursing Complex is set to begin January 2025 和 by the fall 2026 semester.
  • 孤星学院 批准41美元.700万扩建项目. 孤星学院-Houston North Victory 和 孤星学院-Magnolia are projected to be substantially complete by summer 2025.
  • 莱斯大学 新的54美元破土动工.500万美元的琼斯商学院大楼. 新的112,000平方英尺的建筑将拥有最先进的教室, 现代办公空间, 露天聚会区, 用餐区和私人活动设施. 


  • 哈里斯健康系统 破土动工,一个新的,1美元.6 billion, Level 1 trauma-capable hospital at the Harris Health Lyndon B. 约翰逊医院校园. 12层楼,1.3 million-square-foot hospital with a rooftop helipad will have 390 private patient rooms with the potential to exp和 to 450. It aims to provide quality 和 urgent health care to the underserved 和 under-resourced communities of northeast Harris County.
  • HCA休斯顿医疗保健 Kingwood opens the hospital's new $27 million outpatient surgery department. 的 facility is designed to accommodate a variety of surgical procedures that do not require an overnight hospital stay.
  • 休斯顿卫理公会 Cypress Hospital opens four new services just under a year before the hospital is set to hold its gr和 opening in the first quarter of 2025. 服务包括癌症, 输液, 乳房护理服务, along with the recent opening of physical therapy 和 rehabilitation programs.
  • MD安德森 一栋12层楼的新建筑开始动工, 跨越757年,000平方英尺, 位于芝加哥的德州医疗中心 珀金斯&将 作为建筑师.
  • 德克萨斯大学MD安德森癌症中心 和 莱斯大学 癌症生物工程协作组的合伙人, concentrating on five areas of research including nanotechnologies 和 leukemia immunotherapies.
  • 德克萨斯医疗中心 Accelerator joins Texas-Denmark BioBridge to drive 丹麦 technologies to the American market. 第二年, the 德克萨斯医疗中心 创新 和 Bio创新 Institute have collaborated to accelerate many 丹麦 companies. 
  • 废物管理 旨在收购总部位于伊利诺伊州的医疗废物公司Stericycle Inc .. 为7美元.20亿年. 的 acquisition will provide regulated medical waste 和 compliance services as well as secure information-destruction services.


  • A methodology developed by renewable energy pioneer 和 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Committee Member 德拉克斯 已通过DNV验证, 一个提供世界知名测试的组织, 为皇冠HGA010官方下载部门提供认证和技术咨询服务. 的 new methodology highlights net carbon dioxide removals delivered using bioenergy with carbon capture 和 storage (BECCS).
  • 埃克森美孚 has announced a new pilot program 和 deployed 10 new all-electric pickup trucks to the Permian Basin, 占埃克森美孚美国石油公司总规模的近一半.S. 石油生产.
  • 霍尼韦尔 合作伙伴 威德福国际有限公司. to combine 霍尼韦尔's emissions management suite with Weatherford's technology to upstream oil 和 gas operators a way to access emissions data in near real-time, make business decisions on potential issues 和 meet regulatory requirements.


  • BP 捐赠了20万美元 休斯顿社区学院 to help develop an electric vehicles safety 和 mechanical training course.
  • 哈里伯顿公司 introduces a new technology that is designed specifically for geothermal energy applications. 入口设计最大限度地降低了功耗, 保护泵不受固体污染, 并处理水垢形成.
  • 霍尼韦尔 推出卓越电池制造平台, 或电池MXP, an artificial intelligence-powered software solution that will improve battery cell yields.
  • 莱斯大学 launches its Synthesis X Center to foster the growth of cancer technologies 和 medications. SynthX 和 Baylor College of Medicine’s Dan L Duncan Comprehensive Cancer Center have announced joint awards of grants to promising teams.
  • 的 休斯顿大学 has been selected to join a $10 million effort to advance biopharmaceutical manufacturing 和 engineering, developing a mix-和-read antibody measurement system that uses fluorescent materials to determine the amount of antibody present in a sample.


  • 休斯顿港 港务局委任港务专员小托马斯·琼斯.他的任期为两年.
  • 西南航空公司 介绍一个155,000平方英尺的设施项目. 霍比国际机场, 哪一个将为它的供应团队提供一个更大的仓库, 扩大货运设施, more space for the company’s ground support equipment maintenance teams 和 additional training spaces.
  • 糖地市议会 批准3美元.2 million construction contract to widen University Boulevard 和 alleviate traffic.

If you are a 成员 和 want us to help communicate 新闻 about your organization, 请将Hga010皇冠软件下载或有关公告的资料发送至 成员.engagement@salamzone.com 和 we will share it with our content team for possible inclusion in an upcoming roundup. 了解更多关于 伙伴关系成员
