
国际有限公司. 将总部迁至休斯顿,宣布在凯蒂附近建立太阳能工厂



维吉尼亚州-based TMEIC Corporation Americas has announced it will relocate its headquarters to Houston, 计划在凯蒂附近建造一个太阳能制造工厂.  

该公司, 是日本TMEIC公司的子公司, 会在2025年3月搬到休斯顿的皇冠HGA010官方下载走廊吗, 同时在罗阿诺克设有办公室, 维吉尼亚州. TMEIC will also launch a state-of-the-art photovoltaic (PV) manufacturing facility in Brookshire. 144年,000平方英尺的设施, 预计将于10月开业, will be located near its existing power supply and medium voltage drive manufacturing plant in Katy. 最初, 该设施的年生产能力将达到9gw, 具有未来扩张的潜力. 该设施预计将创造300个工作岗位.  

"We are excited to make these investments for an expanded presence in the Houston area with the relocation of our headquarters and the opening of our new manufacturing facility,人肉人S说. TMEIC公司美洲区总裁兼首席执行官Bhatia 声明. “This strategic expansion underscores TMEIC's dedication to the renewable energy industry, 推进清洁皇冠HGA010官方下载技术, 维持稳固的客户关系, 在全球竞争的基础上,同时自豪地在美国制造.”   

The 大休斯顿伙伴关系 played a pivotal role in attracting TMEIC to the region, 积极将太阳能公司引进休斯顿.   

This announcement underscores Houston's growing prominence as a leader in solar energy. 根据 清洁投资监察2023年,德克萨斯州吸引了超过120亿美元的太阳能投资. 作为全球皇冠HGA010官方下载转型的关键参与者, 休斯顿一直处于这一增长的前沿, 确立了自己作为主要目的地的地位 太阳能制造公司 寻求扩张. 

例如, 可再生部分, 一家专门从事风力涡轮机供应链和翻新的公司, 选择Humble作为其新的零件再循环车间. 类似的, international companies Triveni Turbines and Imperial Star Solar have also unveiled plans for new solar manufacturing facilities in the Houston area. 

了解更多关于 休斯顿在太阳能方面的领导地位



Jupiter Power announces commercial operations of 400MWh of dispatchable power in Houston and continued investment in 德州

[PRESS RELEASE] - Jupiter Power LLC ("Jupiter Power") announced today the achievement of commercial operations of 400MWh of dispatchable power to the ERCOT grid from its Callisto I battery energy storage facility in Houston, 德州. 这个新设施, 这将显著增加休斯顿的可靠供应, 零排放电力面临着创纪录的需求增长, is a product of the market-based improvements by lawmakers in recent years to add competitive dispatchable power to the ERCOT grid.   The Callisto I 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Center is a 200MW/400MWh battery energy storage system located in central Houston, five miles from the Medical Center and ten miles from the Houston Ship Channel at the site of a former HL& P H.O. 克拉克化石燃料发电厂. The site can accommodate an additional 400MW/800MWh of battery energy storage generation. “木星对将木卫一项目上线感到无比自豪,安迪·鲍曼说, 朱庇特电力公司的首席执行官. "This project responds to lawmakers' calls to increase affordable and dispatchable new generation in an area where people need more power. Callisto I is the first energy storage project at this scale in the City of Houston and will help meet Houston's growing power needs while also increasing resiliency from extreme weather events." Callisto I represents Jupiter Power's expansion of large-scale operational battery energy storage projects outside of West 德州 and into Houston, 为城市提供清洁, 弹性和零排放的电力.  "The announcement of Jupiter Power's Callisto I 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Storage project is significant and exciting for the region, as it's the first large-scale transmission-connected energy storage project in the City of Houston. This critical project will help address peak power demand and is another great example of our region's leadership in scaling and deploying impactful solutions for an all the above energy future,简·思特里克说, 大休斯顿伙伴关系, Senior Vice President and 休斯敦皇冠HGA010官方下载转型倡议(HETI) Executive Director. “至关重要的是,德克萨斯州拥有多元化的发电组合,州参议员查尔斯·施沃特纳说, 参议院商务委员会主席, "Batteries play an important role within that portfolio to help address demands in times of need." Jupiter Power是一家开发商, 老板, 单机运营商, 2017年成立的并网电池储能项目. Callisto I is Jupiter's ninth project in ERCOT, bringing its total ERCOT fleet to 1,375MWh. 2023年12月,Jupiter Power宣布收盘价为65美元.2 million financing with First Citizens Bank to finance the construction of Callisto I.   媒体接触 凯特琳史密斯 (832) 326-1238 凯特琳.Smith@JupiterPower.io Media@JupiterPower.io
航空航天 & 航空


bp and NASA have unveiled a new partnership aimed at advancing energy production and space exploration.  通过太空法案协议, 一项允许NASA与公司合作的法律协议, 大学及其他机构, the two organizations will share digital technologies and expertise accumulated over decades of experience working in remote locations. The initial phase of the agreement will focus on enhancing digital models and simulations. 这些工具可以帮助工程师和科学家在极端环境中可视化设备, 比如太空和海洋深处, 这对夫妇在哪里工作.   "bp has built a proud legacy of technological innovation as we deliver the energy the world needs today while investing in the energy system of tomorrow,Ken Nguyen说。, 英国石油公司首席技术项目经理, 在新闻发布会上. 随着美国宇航局追求在月球和火星上的持续存在, we see a unique opportunity for bp and NASA to work collaboratively on the forefront of digital technology that will cultivate further innovation in energy and space."  英国石油公司在Argos的类似技术方面取得了重大进展, 位于墨西哥湾的最新海上平台. 这家皇冠HGA010官方下载公司使用增强现实和虚拟现实等尖端工具, 还有数字孪生技术, 远程监控和操作平台. 利用这种专业知识, future phases of the partnership could involve sharing insights on remote operating practices, 其中包括安全, 过程控制和监控以及人工智能.  “英国石油公司和美国宇航局都是深厚技术专长的保管人, working in extreme environments – whether that’s at the bottom of the ocean or on the moon,乔瓦尼·克里斯托弗利说, bp Solutions高级副总裁. “Sharing what we know with each other will help us solve complex engineering problems faster, meaning we can focus on keeping energy flowing safely and delivering higher margins with lower emissions.”  This unlikely partnership has set the stage for cross-industry collaborations in the Houston region and will act as a catalyst for further partnerships in two of the city’s key sectors—energy and aerospace.  虽然这一合作关系标志着这些行业具有开创性的里程碑意义, 这并不是NASA第一次选择休斯顿地区的组织进行合作. 最近, the space agency granted the University of Houston $5 million to create an aerospace engineering research center. 今年早些时候, NASA还选择了五家总部位于休斯顿的公司来领导必要的研究, engineering and mission integration services for the International Space Station Program.    了解更多关于休斯顿的动态皇冠HGA010官方下载和航空航天部门. 




加入Hga010皇冠软件下载,参加由壳牌美国公司举办的年度全球皇冠HGA010官方下载未来会议. 由大休斯顿合作组织主办, 休斯敦皇冠HGA010官方下载转型倡议(HETI), 以及休斯顿未来中心.…
