




休斯顿将继续引领皇冠HGA010官方下载转型, major corporations are making significant investments to ensure the region's workforce is equipped with the skills of tomorrow. 主要行业参与者埃克森美孚和柏克德最近宣布了一些举措, 展示他们的承诺,准备和授权下一代皇冠HGA010官方下载专业人士.


埃克森美孚基金会最近为可汗学院的门户开放项目捐赠了1700万美元. The initiative will allow Khan Academy to offer free Texas st和ards-aligned math 和 science courses for 3rd – 12th graders 和 teacher guides to facilitate the new courses. 

与可汗学院的合作将加强STEM(科学, 技术, 工程, 和数学)学习的机会, ensuring students have the foundational knowledge 和 skills required to pursue careers in the 皇冠HGA010官方下载行业 和 beyond. 


贝克特尔, 工程领域的全球领导者, 建设, 项目管理, 是否也在劳动力发展方面取得了重大进展. The company recently announced it offered 建设 careers to 15 graduating seniors from the pipefitter 和 welding Career 和 Technical 教育 (CTE) 项目 at Nederl和 High School 和 Port Arthur Memorial High School. 学生们通过该项目获得了实践经验和培训, allowing them to successfully move into careers at the Port Arthur Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Phase 1 project site. 

“We are excited to offer jobs to these students who have gained the experience needed to complete their curriculum 和 start their path to becoming skilled craft professionals,凯恩·麦金托什说, 柏克德公司亚瑟港液化天然气项目经理. 森普拉基础设施和柏克德致力于支持亚瑟港和德克萨斯州东南部, which includes training the next generation of workers who will deliver large-scale projects like Port Arthur LNG Phase 1.”


The investments by 埃克森美孚 和 贝克特尔 are crucial for ensuring Houston remains at the forefront of the global 皇冠HGA010官方下载行业. 通过关注教育和职业发展, these companies are fostering innovation 和 sustainable growth in the energy sector while addressing the current 和 future workforce needs.

了解更多关于该地区的 皇冠HGA010官方下载行业员工发展 项目.




最近一波脱碳项目公告, 包括一家挪威公司在休斯顿的扩张, demonstrates how the region has positioned itself as a hub for companies 和 collaborations advancing low-carbon solutions.  Capsol Technologies ASA, 这是一家挪威的碳捕获和储存公司,专注于从燃气轮机中捕获碳, 宣布在休斯顿开设办事处. 该公司首席执行官温迪·林(Wendy Lam)对《皇冠HGA010官方下载》表示,休斯顿与挪威的关系牢固, 该地区的基础设施和人才资源是他们决定搬到休斯顿的关键因素. 林郑月娥还提到了有利的美中关系.S. 这些政策使得CCS技术在经济上比欧洲更可行.  该地区最大的项目之一是雪佛龙(雪佛龙公司)参与的一家合资企业, Equinor 和 TotalEnergies called the Bayou Bend carbon capture 和 storage project along the Texas Gulf Coast between Houston 和 Port Arthur. Bayou Bend有潜力成为全国最大的工业排放CCS基地之一, 拥有10亿吨二氧化碳的地下储存能力. Worley是一家总部位于澳大利亚的工程公司.S. 休斯敦办事处, 设计和评估二氧化碳收集的方法, 项目的处理和封存设施.  雪佛龙公司, 该地区HyVelocity Hub的合作伙伴, 是否正在研究将其氢气项目与Bayou Bend CCS项目相结合的可能性, 尽管官方还没有发布公告.  Ørsted和埃克森美孚是HyVelocity Hub的合作伙伴,最近被美国石油公司选中.S. 皇冠HGA010官方下载部 as part of its $6 billion Industrial Demonstrations Program to receive federal funding for their decarbonization projects.  总部位于丹麦的Ørsted的子公司, 该公司今年早些时候在休斯顿开设了第一家办事处, could receive up to $100 million in DOE funding to support the development of the Star e-methanol plant located on the Texas Gulf Coast, 它将利用捕获的二氧化碳制造高达300吨的二氧化碳,每年生产1000公吨电子甲醇.  与此同时, 埃克森美孚, 该公司于2022年将总部迁至休斯顿地区, 最高可获331美元.9 million through its $6 billion Industrial Demonstrations Program for its Baytown Olefins Plant Carbon Reduction Project. 该公司计划利用氢气而不是天然气来生产乙烯.  自收购Denbury 公司 .以来,埃克森美孚更多地参与了CCS基础设施建设. 该项目涉及的主要资产包括美国最大的二氧化碳管道网络.S. 以及10个陆上碳封存点.  A partnership with EnLink Midstream LLC is allowing Exxon to explore additional CCS opportunities along the Gulf Coast, 包括休斯顿航道和亚瑟-博蒙特港地区, 哪些被认为是二氧化碳的高排放源.  This comes after the company’s proposed $100 billion carbon capture collaboration in the Houston area back in 2021. Exxon estimates that the proposed CCS hub could capture 和 store 50 million metric tons of CO2 annually by 2030 和 100 million metric tons by 2040.  Other major energy players such as SLB are making moves in the CCS space 和 looking to increase their investments in carbon capture.  3月, SLB宣布了一项收购Aker Carbon Capture多数股权的协议, a 挪威 pure-play carbon capture company whose proprietary CCS technology serves broad range of industries, 包括水泥, 生物和废物转化为皇冠HGA010官方下载, gas-to-power, 蓝色的氢段.  “CCUS要在支持全球净零排放目标方面产生预期的影响, 它需要在不到30年的时间里扩大100-200倍. We are excited to create this business with [Aker Carbon Capture] to accelerate the deployment of carbon capture technologies that will shift the economics of carbon capture across high-emitting industrial sectors,SLB首席执行官Olivier Le Peuch在一份Hga010皇冠软件下载中说.  了解更多关于休斯顿如何引领皇冠HGA010官方下载转型的信息.
航空航天 & 航空


George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH) has been chosen as one of the five North American locations where Airbus will study the feasibility of creating a hydrogen hub.   The European multinational aerospace corporation is partnering with the Center for Houston’s Future (CHF) 和 Houston Airport System to examine the viability of equipping airports with the infrastructure to support hydrogen fuel for aircraft. 分析, 预计将于2025年3月结束, 是否将重点放在识别机场使用氢的潜在机会和障碍上, 以及定义“端到端”氢供应链的要求, as Airbus works to achieve its goal of having hydrogen commercial aircraft operational 和 carrying passengers by 2035.  “制造使用清洁氢的飞机可能需要一些时间, 但Hga010皇冠软件下载今天可以从如何在机场运营中使用清洁氢开始, 比如地面设备和公共交通,这样Hga010皇冠软件下载就可以为未来做好准备,CHF首席执行官布雷特·帕尔曼说.  航空业越来越多地投资于可持续航空燃料(SAF)。, an alternative fuel made from non-petroleum feedstocks that reduces emissions from air transportation to reach net zero carbon goals.  根据美国.S. 皇冠HGA010官方下载部, aviation accounts for 2 percent of all carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions 和 12 percent of all CO2 emissions from transportation worldwide. 这种协作可以帮助加速SAF技术的采用.  “随着Hga010皇冠软件下载继续扩大和现代化Hga010皇冠软件下载的设施, 参与这项可持续发展研究至关重要,Jim Szczesniak说, 休斯顿市航空总监. “继续建设一个可持续的机场系统将确保休斯顿有一个健康的未来, 吸引顶尖人才和企业, 并展示Hga010皇冠软件下载作为负责任的全球公民的承诺.”  在空中客车宣布这一消息之前,最近成立了可持续航空燃料联盟, 一个由主要航空公司组成的非营利组织, manufacturers 和 trade groups to advance the development of low-carbon fuels 和 decrease emissions in the industry. The organization will also advocate for federal policies that support the creation of a robust domestic market with lower prices 和 higher supply. 在休斯顿拥有强大影响力的联盟成员包括美国联合航空公司, 波音公司和美洲住友公司.  其他SAF发展包括联合航空和Cemvita公司之间的协议, a Houston-based cleantech startup focused on applying synthetic biology to enable a sustainable energy transition, to supply the airline with up to one billion gallons of sustainable aviation fuel from their first full-scale SAF plant over the next twenty years.   了解世界皇冠HGA010官方下载之都如何引领皇冠HGA010官方下载向低碳转型, energy-abundant未来. 




大休斯顿伙伴关系, Houston 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Transition Initiative (HETI) 和 the Center for Houston's Future invite you to the annual Future of Global 皇冠HGA010官方下载 presented by Shell USA, 公司. …

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